Search Results
Giving Hope and Improving Lives with Cognitive Technology | Deborah DiSanzo | TEDxBeaconStreet
Vital Directions for Health & Health Care: Priorities from an NAM Initiative (Deborah DiSanzo)
Deborah DiSanzo MBA'88 in The Entrepreneurs: A True Babson Story
The Role of Data and AI in Improving Health
Deborah DiSanzo: Solving the World’s Health Problems of the Future
Cognitive Technology and AI - Where are the Boundaries? | Business Innovation Week | Curated
Games and virtual worlds teach us about the human condition | Jasmine Roberts | TEDxBeaconStreet
Life but not Alive | Kate Adamala | TEDxBeaconStreet
The product that guarantees a better life | Dave Birss | TEDxTottenham
Building An Army Of Empathy | Lynn Margherio | TEDxBeaconStreet
Recovery without limits: brain science & hope for stroke survivors | Kari Dunning | TEDxCincinnati
Magna cortica -- the ethics of brain augmentation | Jamais Cascio | TEDxMarin